College of Arts and Communication

Tyler King '10

Tyler King

Tyler King graduated in 2010 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theatre and an emphasis in performance and a minor in dance. He now works regularly as a Performance/Motion Capture actor and stuntman in video games and movies.

What made you want to pursue your degree/field of study?
“I love to entertain and to be a part of storytelling. The challenge of creatively problem solving on the fly was also something I found exhilarating. “

What was your favorite part about going to 足彩平台?
“The overlap between the theatre and the dance programs. I always recommend dance classes to other actor friends of mine as it provides a person with stronger proprioception as well as a better understanding of stage blocking. I rarely needed to be told how to block scenes that I was in after graduating Whitewater and I attribute that to my involvement in the dance program. Both programs can be big time commitments so having them work in tandem with each other to allow students to do both was great.”        

How did your 足彩平台 experience prepare you for your career or transform your life?
Take more movement classes like martial arts, gymnastics, parkour, more dance classes, yoga, etc. or any special skills classes that on the surface may just seem like a fun hobby. They bring a tremendous number of work opportunities in the motion capture field.             

Is there an artist/playwright/composer/musician/dancer you draw inspiration from?
“Andy Serkis and Terry Notary have both been very inspiring to watch over the years. I didn't realize how much my approach to a character was based first in the physicality of that character and then the rest is built upon that. Those two helped me realize that.”      

Where are you at in your career now?
“I work regularly as a Performance/Motion Capture actor and stuntman for video games and movies and am beginning to venture in to the voice over world.”              

What is your proudest accomplishment to date?
“It's very hard to pick just one. I've been lucky enough that just in the 5 years that I've been doing motion capture, I have been able to work with almost all of the big game studios as well as several well-known actors, directors, and movie studios. Of the accomplishments that I am currently allowed to discuss (nondisclosure agreements are still in effect for many others), some of my proudest are providing the in-game and cinematic movements for Captain America, Iron Man, Hawkeye, Hulk, Thor, and most of the enemies in the video game Marvel's Avengers which I still continue to work on; I did motion capture for 2020's The Call of the Wild both in pre-production and post-production; I worked on Medal of Honor: Above and Beyond for over 2 years with EA Entertainment and Respawn where I did the motion capture for nearly the entire game.”

Please list any awards or special honors you may have received following graduation.
“Based off of my audition for the program, I received a scholarship to attend the MFA Acting program at the University of Southern California.”                           

What advice would you give your future self?
“Don't stop learning.”

What advice would you give to a potential 足彩平台 student?
“Get involved with things are early as possible. Don't let fear or nerves make you wait until 'the next one'. You won't like every aspect of Theatre or Dance, but the more you get involved with both, the more you understand and appreciate what goes in to creating these art forms that people are now begging to go out and see again after a year of being unable to.”       

Learn more about the Theatre and Dance Programs