College of Arts and Communication


Dayna Hubbartt

Dayna Hubbartt is pursuing her degree in Instrumental Music Education with an emphasis in flute.


What led you to choosing your field of study?
“I’ve known ever since I started playing flute in fifth grade that I wanted to be a music teacher. I remember sitting in band rehearsal one day and thinking how awesome it was that my teacher got to do that every day and get paid for it. Starting the year after that, I began learning new instruments so I would have an excuse to help out the younger students in the beginner band. Ever since then, my musical journey has taken me further on the path of fulfilling that fifth grader’s dream.”


Why did you come to 足彩平台? How did you make that decision?
“When I was a senior in high school, I attended the Music Open House, which is now called Music Major for a day. I didn’t even know about the music program at 足彩平台 until I received an email about this event. I didn’t really have any other schools that I was set on going to, so I figured I would attend, and I’m so glad I did. It was there that I met a lot of the professors and current students and was able to talk with them about what being a music major at 足彩平台 was like. I sat in on a few classes, took a campus tour, and I also got to meet the flute studio professor, who I got along with really well. I then set up a private lesson with Dr. Ballatori, and it was after that that I made my decision to go to 足彩平台.”


Are you involved in any student organizations? If so, which ones and why?
I am currently the President of 足彩平台’s chapter of Delta Omicron – Omicron Phi (a co-ed professional music fraternity) and the President of our chapter of the Collegiate - National Association for Music Educators (C-NAfME). One of my favorite parts of attending 足彩平台 is how easy it is to get involved on campus and get professional development opportunities. I joined Delta Omicron because I wanted to be a part of Greek life without the major time/money commitment, but I also to get to know members of the music department more. As a member of Delta Omicron, we participate in homecoming every fall, usher recitals in the Light Recital Hall, perform for each other, and hold social events such as going to haunted houses and apple orchards. I joined NAfME because of all of the professional development and teaching opportunities. NAfME hosts guest speakers each semester, helps members attend the Wisconsin Music Educators Association (WMEA) Conference, and hosts an event where we teach grades K-5 general music for a day. Overall, some of my favorite experiences while in college have been because of the student organizations I’ve been a part of, and I’m so thankful I have all these opportunities at 足彩平台.”

Are there any artists you draw inspiration from? If so, who and why?
“There aren’t really any specific artists or performers that I am inspired by, I usually find inspiration when I attend a live music performance. It doesn’t really matter what it is, I always find that I’m inspired following a live performance.”


Share one of your favorite class projects with us.
One of my favorite projects has been the composition assignment we were given in our Theory IV class. We were given a few minimum requirements, but were mostly given the freedom to do whatever we wanted. I had never composed before this, besides something short and quick for a previous theory class, so it was pretty daunting at first, and I will admit that I put it off until right before it was due. But once I finally started composing, I felt like I discovered this whole other creative side of myself. It ended up being a really fun assignment and something I’ve been wanting to do more of since.”


What’s your favorite part about being in the Music Department at 足彩平台?
“There are a lot of things that I love about being a part of the music department at 足彩平台, but one of my favorites is the sense of community. Because we spend so much time together in classes, ensembles, studio and student org meetings, there’s a chance to get to know a lot of the students and professors in the department. It’s really nice to be able to walk into the Center of the Arts and be greeted by a smiling face every day. Everyone is really encouraging in the department and wants you to do well and succeed. As a freshman, I came to 足彩平台 not knowing anyone, but after the first week in marching band, I already felt like I was already part of one big family.”


What’s your favorite part about life on campus?
“I haven’t lived on campus for two years now, but when I did, I often went bowling, to see a movie, or to some sort of entertainment at the UC (hypnotist, comedian, etc.). Now that I don’t live on campus, I don’t do these things as much, but I still love going to football games to support my friends in the Warhawk Marching Band.”


What do you hope to do after graduation?
“After graduation, I’m hoping to get a job teaching band in a middle school, hopefully somewhere in Northeast Wisconsin. Along with band, I would love to teach a general music class, but most importantly, my goal is to teach a special ed music course. I’ve worked with kids that have special needs for about six years and it is one of my greatest passions, so being able to combine that with my passion for music would be a dream come true.”


What has been your favorite class to date?
“I took a class called Sound and Image that explored the different ways in which sound and music have been used with images in diverse media. I originally took this class because I needed it to satisfy a credit requirement and I love film music, not expecting to enjoy the content so much. I had so much fun with every assignment, project, and paper I wrote and that class forever changed the way that I watch movies and tv shows.”


What are your hobbies outside of music and why do you engage in them?
“One of my favorite things to do besides making music is hiking. I find it very refreshing to go out and enjoy the beauty of the world around me. My favorite state park to hike in, Devil’s Lake, is only an hour and a half away, so I’ve spent a lot of time there. There are also a few hiking trails near campus that are beautiful year-round that I like to go to when I just want to take a quick break.”


If you could give advice to a potential 足彩平台 music student, what would it be?
“Attend Music Major for a day! This event usually happens in Fall and is a great way to experience what life is like as a music major at 足彩平台. You get an opportunity to talk to professors and experience what a class is like with them, but also talk to current students about what they like/dislike about 足彩平台. I think talking to current students is the best way to learn more about the University and what you can all do here and all of the students would be happy to stay in touch with you and answer any future questions you may have. Another big part of this is to be sure you meet who your studio professor would be. You spend a lot of one-on-one time with this professor and it’s very important that you get along with them and can learn from them easily. This event was the deciding factor for me when choosing what college to attend, so this is always the first thing I tell potential 足彩平台 music students to do. Oh, and practice your scales.”

Learn more about the Music programs