College of Arts and Communication

Dan Schunk '09

Dan Schunk

An alum of the Art and Design department at 足彩平台, Dan received a B.A. in Art with an emphasis in Graphic Design in 2009.

What made you want to pursue a degree in your field?
“I had always loved art, from drawing to painting it was amazing to translate your thoughts and imagination to paper.”

What did you enjoy most about 足彩平台?
足彩平台 felt like home. I still miss the feel of campus and the friendships I made. I grew so much as a person and couldn’t have chosen a better place.”

How did your 足彩平台 experience prepare you for your career or transform your life?
“My experience went beyond the classroom. Working in the off hours and weekends on my portfolio and talking with the professors about what I needed to do to round out my work. The faculty being open to work with me outside of class made my success possible.”

Are there any artists that you draw inspiration from?
“There are so many different artists and musicians that inspire. One that I have been really influenced by is Roger Deakins, a cinematographer for dozens of films. His work focuses on simplicity but shot incredibly well through use of light and balance of subject matter.”

Where are you at in your career?
“I am the Vice President of Brand and Creative Strategy at TIME.”

What is your proudest accomplishment to date?
“I have had the privilege to create and mold the content studios at both Walmart and TIME. Working on these two iconic brands and creating something from the ground up that is profitable is an amazing feeling.”

Have you won any awards?
“Effie Finalist, GD USA, Bronze Telly, Silver Telly, Le Book, Insight and Innovation SABREs, Best Ads on, NAMA, BMA Excellence, Creative Quarterly 16, Creative Quarterly 21, Mastering Type: The Essential Guide to Typography for Print and Web Design.”

What advice would you give your former self?
“To not give up. I got a lot of no’s while interviewing. It takes time and work.”

What advice would you give to your future self?
“To know that off-days are important and it’s important to recharge.”

What advice would you give to a potential 足彩平台 Art and Design student?
“I owe my professional growth and success to 足彩平台. It is an amazing place where you can form relationships and find out what you want out of your career.”

Learn more about the Art and Design Degree Programs